
Monday, July 12, 2010

Color & Personal Challenge

Hello Everyone! I have decided to challenge myself this week. I have a ton of printed pictures that I want to scrapbook, organize, etc. I have most of them in order (year, decade) but I still feel frazzled/overwhelmed by them. I'm trying to play catch up but it's difficult for me to do. I take a lot of time on a LO. Although they may look simple, It's a miracle if I can get a single page LO done in an hour (yes, you heard correctly). Plus, I don't know really where to begin. I can't seem to sit down & finish a set. So this week, I gave myself a personal challenge: Create a LO a day (I'm still deciding if Sat/Sun will be included). Although, I will prob work on my different event ones, just to get it out of my system, by the end of the week I will pick a pack to work on.  I'm crossing my fingers & saying to myself "here's hoping" :)

This scrapbook layout will be the starting page for my Laughling, NV trip album. I like to make a huge statement for my first page & then tone it down for the rest. I was going for a fun, playful feeling.

Additionally, this LO will be entered in the Color Throwdown Challenge. They are celebrating their 100th challenge (Yay!). For our project we had to use the colors: Rose, Celery, Red & Breeze and most importantly, have fun! Which I did. I was trying to make the Tiddly Inks deadline as well but I missed it :(

Thanks for looking. As always, any comments or suggestions are always appreciated.


  1. what a fun page.....Thanks for playing along with this special 100th Color Throwdown challenge !! Don't forget to "hop" around to all the blog stops and leave some love...this will make the members of the blog hop happy as well as increase your chances of winning!!

  2. Looks like a pretty good picture to me!! : ) Great layout! Such a fun page!

    Thanks for playing along!

  3. omgosh too cute.. is that the new splish splash cricut lite cart??

    love it!
