
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Birthday Robot

Hi Everyone!
I wanted to play along with Cristina from Crafting with Cristina on her bi-weekly challenge. The theme for this challenge was Birthday Bash! I chose to make a Birthday Robot card for my friend's son. I made him a Robot card & cookie box for his 5th grade graduation a few weeks back. He seemed to really like it so I decided to use robots for him again.

I was really excited to use my Robotz cart. I had not used it. Also I was really excited because this is my first shaped card. Since I couldn't weld the shapes together, I added a brad to the top of the antenna to connect the two bases. I really love how my robot came out. The only thing I hate is that the pictures does not do it justice. The flash distorted the colors and hid some of the minor finishing touches.

Picture 1: The front of the card. I wrote in "Robot Hugs..." with my white pen. I tried making the writing look as robotic as possible. I inked the edges of some of the pieces. Other pieces I shaded with my prismacolor brown pencil. Some pieces were pop dotted for a bit of dimension. He also stands lopsided because that's how he is.

Picture 2: The inside of the card. I inked the edges on the inside of the card as well.

Picture 3: Closeup

Isn't he the cutest? Thanks for stopping by/commenting!

1 comment:

  1. wow this is great!!! You totally inspired me to try to get to use my robotz cricut cartridge.'
    Thank you so much for joining my challenge

