
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall/Halloween Blog Hop

Happy First Day of Fall!!
It has finally arrived and we can now say good-bye to the summer (well at least officially because unofficially the sun is still out bright and shining. I think the sun didn't get the memo about the change of weather happening today).

So with the change of season comes new activities, new holidays and for me, a new birthday (yay! and ugghh!!). And what holiday do we love the most? Well its a toss up, really. A lot of us love Halloween for all the obvious reasons while others prefer Christmas. I land in the middle. Of course I do enjoy Halloween and Christmas but my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I love the food, the shopping, the pumpkin pie, the 4day weekend and the food and the shopping (lol). Black Friday enables a lot of us crafters to go mad in Michael's, Joann's and other crafting spots. This black Friday be extra special for me because it will be my first time as a mad crafter in Michael's. Does anyone have any tips as to how to deal with the madness and/or funny stories to share. I'd love to read them.

Speaking of crafts and the reason for my month I'll be part of a Fall/Halloween Blog Hop. I'm thrilled to be part of it. It is my first time being in a hop so my head is running wild with all sorts of stuff I would like to do. The sweet and lovely Stephanie from ALWAYS CRAFTING will be hosting the blog hop. This is her first time hosting so lets show her a lot of bloggy love.

For this hop, you will see a combination of Halloween and fall theme projects. There will be 11 of us total. In addition to finding goodies along the way, one lucky hopper will have the chance to win the fabulous grand prize that was donated by the wonderful sponsor SCRAPADABADOO. Want to know what it is?  Well it involves Tim Holtz, his signature, a die and some fabu paper. So come back on October 3rd to join in on the fun and try to be the lucky grand prize winner.

Feel free to grab the blinkie, post it on your blog and spread the word. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog!! I just became a follower, I hope you come back to visit soon, and maybe become a follower!!

    Lots of Cricut love,

  2. Jess,

    I didn't know we were doing the hop together. Awesome!!! Looking forward to what you will be doing!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments.

    Scrappy hugs
