
Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog Hop Winner

Hello Everyone,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to post this yesterday. Ive had some busy days. First of all I would like to thank Stephanie from ALWAYS CRAFTING for inviting me to be part of her blog hop. She was very supportive to all us newbies and was there if we needed any help. I would also like to thank SCRAPADABADOO for sponsoring the hop and donating such a fabulous prize. Who doesn't love Tim Holtz?

Second I would like to thank all my followers, old and new. I truly enjoyed reading all your comments. Some of the comments were so vivid that I could actually see the leaves changing colors (sadly I don't see that where I live) but you know, I can't really complain because I have great weather most of the time.

Ok so enough of my ramblings, the winner of my blog candy is.....


Congratulations Melissa!!! I hope you enjoy playing with your Prismacolor pencils. I know that you'll love them. Since I ruined the surprise I'll also throw in a small candy surprise.  

Please contact me by Monday October 11. 

For those of you that didn't win, Ill be having another small blog candy later this month or early next month. Ill be celebrating my birthday soon and I'd like to give a thank you to my followers. Thank you for your comments, I truly enjoy them, and I hope that I can inspire you in some small way. If I ever do, please come back and let me know. I'd love to see your work.

1 comment:

  1. Wahhooooo!! Thank you so much! I'm off to email you right now! Thanks Jess!

