
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Imagine-Like Card feat Tiddly Inks

Hi Everyone,
This card was created for both of Emma's challenges in mind. For her Imagine Nation Monday, she wanted us to create a card using Polk-a-Dots and having it look like it came from the Imagine (hence the digi work) and for her Throwback Thursday, she wanted it to be sports theme. I had a hard time with the sports theme because I'm not a sports fan. The only sport that I like is Futbol (Soccer for us). I'm a huge fanatic when the world cup rolls around but once that's over with, it tends to die down and go away :).
OK so I stretched my imagination with this one and used the ribbon from Plaintin Schoolbook. I know that ribbons are given out to the players at the mini soccer leagues. So I think that this worked out perfectly.

Picture 1: Card featuring Soccer Annie from Tiddly Inks.
The sentiment for the card will be somewhere along the lines of: You're a blue ribbon star.

Picture 2: This is a shot of the paper I used and a sneak peek to a card I'll be creating soon.

I also wanted to direct you to Tiddly Inks. This is the site where I got my cute digis (both Soccer Star and the Cheshire cat.) Christy (the owner) has a very cute line of digi stamps. She has several lines such as Gothic Cuties, Animals, Fairies, etc. She holds challenges every Tuesday. She requires that you use one of her digis but if you cant buy one at the moment, she offers freebies. Currently she is offering some major blog candy. So hop on over and see what you would like to buy because you cant visit her store without wanting to shop. If you'd like to buy the little Soccer Star you can do so here. This link will also take you to her store.

Picture 3: Picture of her blog candy. You can visit the direct posting here

Thanks for stopping by/commenting.


  1. awwww, how precious is she? Very nice job!!!!

  2. I love the ribbon idea and the whole card turned out great. :)

  3. O M G!! this is SOOOO STINKIN CUTE!!!! I love her!!! GREAT job w/the challenge my friend!
    BIG gypsy hugs,
