
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spinner Card

Happy Late Halloween! I hope that everyone had a good holiday and collected a lot of goodies, screams and memories.

Today's card features the cute Cheshire Cat from Tiddly Inks. When I read the challenge for Tiddly's Challenge Blog, I instantly thought of this guy. The challenge was to create a spinner card. Most spinner cards I've seen, have the object spin across the card. However Christy had her object spin in place so I wanted to do the same for my Cheshire. I thought it would be cute to have his head spin in place. Plus, he does have his head spin in the cartoon movie so you can say I was inspired by that as well. For the background paper, I used a digi paper from Tiddly Inks. I added the typing myself. I feel as thou something is missing from this card. Something needs to be changed, deleted or added. Does it look drab? I just don't know what yet.

I'm also submitting this card to another favorite blog of mine Oh! Alice. They have a Halloween in Wonderland theme going on. Their DT has beautiful and inspiring work. If you are an Alice lover like I am then go by and check it out, you won't be dissapointed.

I do apologize for the bad picture. Ill replace it with a better picture tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by! As always, I love to read your comments and suggestions.


  1. Your card is wonderful! I don't think anything is missing from it! I love that his head spins! Too cute!

  2. How perfect that his head spins in place! What an adorable card. So glad you could join us this week at Tiddly Inks.

  3. I just love this card! I think it is perfect and does not need a thing:) The colors are perfect and the cat is so spinning cute (lol).


  4. Fabulous card. Thanks for joining us at the Tiddly Inks challenge this week.


  5. OMG!!! this is sooo cute! I can't believe I missed this earlier and failed to comment. Still recovering from Halloween, I guess. Thanks for joining us at Tiddly Inks and I may just have to SCRAPLIFT this. I LOVE IT! xxD
