
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Brrrrrrrr, It's Chrsitmas Already

It seems that Christmas is upon us and there is no way of avoiding it now. So its time to start cranking out those xmas cards. Since my brother requested a set of 6 different ones, this will be the 1st in his set. For my cards this year, I think I might cheat and Gasp! send out some beautiful Hallmark cards Ive had for a while. I know, bad Jess :) lol, but I'll never get them out.

Frankie Digi from Tickled Pink Stamps

Ill be submitting this Tickled Pink Stamps Monthly Challenge

Thanks for stopping by/commenting.


  1. I am so envious of your coloring abilities. I hope you come to NY and visit me, I really want you to viist...but I also want some coloring tutoring:) This card is fabulous. Love it.


  2. Jess,

    You're lucky he only requested 6! Last year I made & sent more than 100 cards...I hear you. I am debating whether to send store bought this year (gasp)!!! ;) The bad thing is that all my friends & loved ones know about my passion for (okay, I'll just admit it: my addiction to!) paper crafting.

    Oh, love the inside of the card you made for your brother, too!

    Thanks for sharing,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  3. I'm a new follower. I would like to see a challenge on making cards for guys. I have a hard time with making birthday card for them.
    come and visit me
    Rebecca Minor
    buzzybeedesigns(AT)yahoo (DOT)com
