
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Alice In Wonderland

Good Morning Scrappy Friends. I hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying the fact that it is Wednesday already :) I would like to Thank all of you that came out to hop along with me on Friday. I know that it was one long lineup :) but Hello Kitty's cuteness couldn't be contained. I would also like to Thank all of you that became a Friend. I do hope you return because there are many things I would like to share with you.
Ok, onto my post. Today I want to share with you a very special theme that I love and enjoy very much:
 Alice in Wonderland
Picture 1: Time For Tea digi from Tiddly Inks
Size: 4x9 (Perfect for Business size envelope

Picture 2: I wanted to create a clean and simple card that can be for any age group. I also wanted Alice to be my focal point. And I wanted this card to have a Birthday present look, which is why I added the bow and ribbon I did. I will be playing along with Tiddly Inks this week. Their theme is "Refresh Me" (an All White Card, except for the image).
Ready for a Sneak Peek?
Since I'm also playing along with Stephanie, this week there is an amazing guest designer, Donna. She was my pick for this week and I chose her because of her love for Wonderland and because I think she is a fantastic crafter/artist. Every creation she pops up with is simply divine. She was one of the first bloggers that I followed and I am very happy that I did. She can create anything from creepy to elegant to cute. Here is a link to one of my favorite projects that she created last summer. I'm secretly hoping that one day my mail carrier will deliver an item that is similar, if not the original. Lol. Kidding Donna. Well not really :). But you know, Its polite to write that in. Lol.  So hop on over to Donna's blog and see what I'm raving about. I'm excited to see what creepy cuteness she created.
Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. Sounds like fun! I love Alice! I hope I get to complete something for this!

  2. Well, we made it! Long time coming but so totally worth it. Thanks again for inviting me to be Guest Designer and the sweet things you said in your post. Wish I had two of your fave projects so I could send one to you, but with my Grandma's watch...nope. LOL Love your card! The clean white and beautiful embossing really makes the image pop! You must also enter it in the Tiddly Inks Challenge this week if you haven't already done so. xxD

  3. Love this theme!! Great job coloring..such a fun card! TFS!

    ~Sharon C.

  4. SO CUTE! I love Alice and the layers that you used! I am racking my brain as to what I am going to do for the challenge!

  5. It goes without saying that I love your card. Great coloring, and I love the white. So elegant. I did not know that you created it with Tiddly Inks in mind. I think I am going to try and get into this challenge. I love the idea of all white, so fresh!


  6. OH Jess - this is fantastic - love the birthday embossing with sweet Tiddly Alice!!! Thanks so much for joining our challenge this week - I'm hoping to join yours!!!

  7. LOVE it! And thanks for the sweet compliment. :)

  8. Very sweet card...I'm glad I'm a follower of yours. Can't wait to see what you make next! :o)


  9. That is so pretty! I love all of the white it really makes Alice pop out even more! You do such a great job with coloring Jess!

  10. oh this is just fab! i love the way you wrapped the ribbon like a present!! thankyou for playing along with the tiddly inkers this week, hugs Lou xxx

  11. This is just adorable Jess!! I love all of your special details!! The embossing is spectacular and Alice looks gorgeous!!

    Thanks ever so much for playing along with us at TI this week!

    Crafty Hugs!

  12. So cute! Thanks so much for joining us this week at the Tiddly Inks challenge blog!

  13. Such a pretty card! Love the glossy cardstock you used!


  14. This is beautiful, Jess! Love your superb coloring, and design!! Thank you for joining the Tiddly Inkers this week!!

  15. Love your card. She is adorable. I had a lot of fun entering the Whimsical Wednesday Challenge at Always Crafting.

    Thanks! I'm already a follower because you do such great work.

  16. I just entered my Alice in Wonderland LO in the challenge!
