
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Celebrate Mad Hatter Day with a MAD TEA PARTY, Altered Alice Style!

Join Us for a MAD TEA PARTY!!!

This month at The Altered Alice we are celebrating the Mad Genius behind the Mad Tea Party, the MAD HATTER himself. There are two Mad Hatter Days every year, and one of them is this month! In the United States, October 6th is Mad Hatter Day as we abbreviate our dates as month/day. In the United Kingdom, Mad Hatter Day is June 10th as they abbreviate their dates as day/month. So what do these dates have to do with the Mad Hatter? In the original Tenniel illustrations, the Mad Hatter has a price tag tucked into his hat band. It says "In this Style 10/6" which, for us ignorant Yankees (lol!) means ten schillings and sixpence, or half a guineau back in Alice's day! So Mad Hatter Day falls on 10/6, and here at The Altered Alice, instead of choosing between date systems, we just celebrate twice a year!!!

The challenge this month is to create a project to celebrate the Mad Hatter AND to bring something to our Mad Tea Party! I was in charge of bringing the fabulous Croquet set. Check out what the rest of the Altered Alice girls brought:
Aren't those some Amazing Party Gifts?!!!?
So, like Lynne said, What Will You Bring?

You will have until the 24th to join our Mad Tea Party and to find a fun item to bring to the table. Make sure you pop on over to The Altered Alice to check out the rest of the deets and our first week inspiration. You wont want to miss it!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! This sounds like so much fun! I love Alice and is my all time favorite book!

    Keep Rockin' Your Craft!
    Rock Girl
