
Friday, June 17, 2011

Quick Reminder

Happy Friday!!

I'm here to quickly remind you of our special Getting Cricky Blog Hop and Ustream happening tonight.
The blog hop will kick off at 5pm PST (1 hour before the U-Stream) Please make sure to come back then.
We will be showcasing her four current sets that are for pre-sale. However, we might have some sneak peeks for two more sets. Hint, Hint :)

Please remember that Kristal is donating $1 of each stamp set sold to worthy charities. So in addition to getting some awesome stamps, you will be helping a little child get fed or a soldier get some help. Also, she is still offering her pre-sale discounts, You can pass that out. 
Click HERE to go directly to her store and pick up your set.

See you Tonight!!

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