
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Simply Sunday: Anything Goes

Beanie Anya from The Greeting Farm

Hello Scrappy Friends. Welcome to another Simply Sunday challenge over at Getting Cricky. This week wasn't my turn but since it was an eeeeeeeeeasy one I decided to play along. This week is: Anything Goes. How perfect is that?!??

For my anything goes project, I decided to alter a mini Christmas tin to hold my buttons. I recently purchased several baggies of buttons and I wanted to separate them by color. I can be a bit ocd when it comes to that. :) Plus, separating the colors will help me when Im rushing to find the perfect button or the right color instead of throwing them all on the floor and scour through the whole lot. heheh. C'mon, you know you've done that as well. Once I'm done with all of them, Ill come back and show you the finished set.

So grab your scraps, grab your stamps, grab your cricut or grab anything your heart desires and link up for a fabby prize this week.

Also... this whole week we will be gearing up for a special blog hop and ustream at Getting Cricky. Make sure you hop around to see what all the dt members will be up to this week. I do know for a fact that my dt sis Erika will be having 5 days of previews and a prize so make sure you hop over for your chance to win.

Thanks for stopping by/commenting! And please make sure you come back tomorrow as I have some exciting news.


  1. Super sweet! Great colors and image! Perfect button holder!

  2. Okay... Now I think I need a set of button tins for all of my buttons (I LOVE buttons!!)... This is an ADORABLE tin!! LOVE it!! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your talent at Getting Cricky with K Andrew!! :)

    Your Getting Cricky DT Sister,
    Amy :) at

  3. Jess your button tin is adorable. Great job
    Getting Cricky DTM

  4. OMG I love that!! What a great idea! Of course you had to do a pink one first lol!! Thanks so much for mentioning my giveaway and my week long cricky posts!!

    Lots of Love,

  5. Super fabulous. I have a ton of tins that I have been wanting to I have some inspiration!

  6. NOW this is suppppppper cute! eeeeek I love it; you are the copics queen!


  7. Jess this is adorable! What a great idea. Now my tin would have to be twice that size since I'm a bit of a button hoarder but I love the idea of having them all separated by color! I too have been know to dump them all on the floor and shuffle through them, lol!
    Becky - Getting Cricky Design Team member

  8. I Love your Cute Tin. I Love Buttons to. Mine are all mixed up together in an old Pickle Jar. Can't wait for Friday!!!! :0)
    cindymarshall63 at hotmail dot com

  9. so so so cute!!! LOVE it. perfect for so many occasions! love the details

  10. Jess
    Love your tin, your girl turned out so pretty! Great job!
    your DT sister
