
Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Altered Alice - Chapter 5: Tea-Things

`And ever since that,' the Hatter went on in a mournful tone, `he won't do a thing I ask! It's always six o'clock now.' 
A bright idea came into Alice's head. `Is that the reason so many tea-things are put out here?' she asked.
`Yes, that's it,' said the Hatter with a sigh: `it's always tea-time, and we've no time to wash the things between whiles.'
`Then you keep moving round, I suppose?' said Alice.
`Exactly so,' said the Hatter: `as the things get used up.'
`But what happens when you come to the beginning again?' Alice ventured to ask.

Good Morning Scrappy Friends. This month at The Altered Alice we are celebrating The Mad Hatter's tea table that is full of tea-things. Your challenge this month is to have a teapot or teacup on your project, and, as an option, to use something OTHER than a stamped image as your focal point! *We are already on week 4 of this challenge so don't delay because the deadline is a few days away*

For my project, I altered a mat frame. These frames can be used on their own, in shadow boxes or on scrapbook layouts. It measures 8x10 and frames off a 5x7 picture so it allows you to make that special picture your main focus. 

I wanted to play around with the letters and give it that playful mad look that is the mad hatter. I inked and stamped on the letters to add to the look. The sentiment and the clock come from the collage sheet I chose to work with.

This month we were sponsored by One Crabappple with their beautiful collage sheets. These sheets are a graphic artists dream because the possibilities are endless as to how you can combine the images or merge them to create new ones. The shop may be closed at the moment due to family priorities but if you want to see all the Alice Collage sheets see has to offer, jump on over to The Altered Alice where our Mad Hatter Lynne has uploaded them for you.

I really liked all the images that came on the sheet however I was having a hard time trying to incorporate them all. So I was stumped as to what to do then one day in the dead of the night, the idea of creating my own playing cards came to me.  I altered the sizes, gave them a vintage b/w look and decided that they were all going to be part of the Queen's entourage (lol). This is why they all have the same Queen of Hearts symbol. Also, I used one of my blue Prismacolor Pencils to give them a tint of color. The color is a lot more prominent on Alice's dress but they all got the same treatment.

Make sure you hop on over to see the amazing inspiration waiting for you over at The Altered Alice. Talk about WOW!!! My DT sisters are starting to give me an inferiority complex. :) We are also being joined by a new Alice gal next month who I'm very excited to work with. Ive loved her stuff since day one. So its time to step up my game. lol.    Thanks for stopping by/commenting.
If you are looking for my Operation OWL please scroll down or click HERE.
If you're looking for my Getting Cricky Hijacking post and my Simply Betty Scrap Tag Challenge, click HERE


  1. This is just awesome! When I seen it on the challenge blog I straight away thought WOW!

    Hugs Kellie

  2. Wow, Jess! Love this! Dig the way you placed the letters and those little playing cards are adorable! GREAT project!

  3. I LOVE the playing cards you created, and the way you have tumbled the letters in the corner to share the same T is really great! Love the tick-tock wrapped around the A too, great details!
