
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Chapter 6 Challenge: Painting the Roses Red!

'A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. Alice thought this a very curious thing, and she went nearer to watch them, and just as she came up to them she heard one of them say, `Look out now, Five! Don't go splashing paint over me like that!'
 -- Chapter 8, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Our month of painting the white roses red at The Altered Alice has come to an end. All the participants and DT gals did a beautiful job helping 2, 5 & 7 avoid angering the Queen of Hearts.

We were sponsored by Creative Inspirations, makers of wonderful shimmering paint which comes in almost 60 colors, including clear iridescent Fairy Dust. They also carry hot fix Jeweled Inspirations and Metallic Inspirations. We used the Garnet paint, a bright sparkling red that applied beautifully and richly.

OK so lets move on to my crazy concoction of a project. Lol! I was inspired by our Mad Hatter Lynne to create a more elaborate Art Journal page. I had done a few before but they were really clean and simple that i think i was embarrassing the name Art Journal :). Anyways, you must see Lynne's gorgeous clean page with dripping red paint Here.

My concoction on the other hand was made to look abstract and a bit messy. I drew all the images myself and gave them that sketchy effect. I wanted them to look finished but not polished.  I created my collage piece by combining several of my sketches together and then I used the beautiful garnet paint to accentuate my choice images.

As you can see I was heavily influenced by Tim Burton's version of the Castle Garden.  I must admit that the leaf sculpture of the red queen's "bulbous" head isn't my favorite but it is iconic for the film. To me, it is the essence of the queen. Plus I just love Tim and his ability to make everything look dark yet modern. For example: Love love love the playing card guards.

Here is a closeup of my Alice. I opted to give her plump red lips to represent her leaving her innocence Wonderland/Underland. When she leaves Underland she is no longer the doe eyed girl from the beginning nor from her first time around in that wonderful place.

Next week, The Altered Alice gals will be back with another challenge and an amazing prize. Please remember that you do not need specific Alice in Wonderland images or any Alice images, just as long as you follow the theme.

Thanks! And see you again soon for some amazing previews coming from The Greeting Farm and Simply Betty Stamps.


  1. LOVE the spade's face, so cool, and all the details are fun! This art journal thing can be addictive so watch out! Thanks for getting this in despite your other activities {wink}!

  2. WOW girl, didn't know you had this talent! Love it :)

  3. Wow Jess! I was just scrolling through the DT work on Altered Alice, as I entered their last challenge and saw this! So good! Love the close up of Alice. x
