
Friday, September 30, 2011

Red, Black and (Slimey) Green

Happy Friday! We are back with another challenge over at Crafty Sprouts. This time around is a Color Challenge: Using Red, Green and/or Black. You do not need to use all 3 (minimum 2) but we would love to see you challenge yourself and use all 3 of them. Plus, the prize is pretty awesome so make sure you get to play along :)

Sentiment: Let's Go Blog Hopping from Crafty Sprouts

I opted to do a non-Halloween project - that was a challenge in itself (lol), especially considering my cute image - but I think I made it work. Remember, always try to see your images from different angles ;)  I'm also trying to teach myself a new coloring technique that was inspired by the fabulous Emily, Bean and Scraps. I like to call this technique, an effortless technique that I think looks great but doesn't take as long as my usual time or it doesn't take a toll on my wrist. However, I still have some practicing to do because, believe it or not, I spent almost as much time on this had I actually just colored in my usual style. I think I just fuss over my images too much. Lol!

Who's that absolute cutie gracing my card? I'm glad you asked :) She is one of the new "Bettys" from Simply Betty Stamps. Her name is Pumpkin Mickey Hat Betty and she is being sold as a digi, for a limited time only. She is also being offered as a freebie with the purchase of all 7 new Burton Chibi digis or 4 Burton Chibi Clear Stamps. If you haven't seen the new Burton Chibis, click HERE to see how awesome they are.

I used the Deconstructed Sketch 21. If I'm not mistaken the sketch was considered CAS, well I took that concept and ran with it. Lol. I'm also submitting to Simon Says Stamp - Anything Goes.
Don't forget to hop on over to Crafty Sprouts to leave her and my Crafty Sisters some bloggy love!
Thanks for stopping by/commenting.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Time Down the Rabbit Hole.....

... has sadly come to an end. Sniff, sniff :(

I thoroughly enjoyed my time being part of The Altered Alice design team. I love all that is Alice in Wonderland and Lynne (our very lovely Mad Hatter) gave me the opportunity to be part her magical and Uber talented team. All the "Alice" ladies (including Lynne) are just phenomenal and provided me with massive inspiration.
So a HUGE Thank You Lynne for everything!!!

Ok so onto my final project as a Guest DT member. The challenge was to use Text as non-sense. Unfortunately my set of Stamps from our generous sponsor Stamp Attack were lost in the Post :( Soooooo sad! Those are some amazing stamps I was hoping to ink up and create with. Nevertheless, I made the best of it and turned to one of my favorite stamp companies, Tickled Pink and used several of their Lil Little images. Aren't they cuuuuuute ?!!???! 

Medium: Prismacolor Pencils

I took the idea of using text as nonsense and applied it to their clothes and to their accessories. If you notice, all of their clothes are printed on Text DP. After I paper pieced their clothing, I went in with my prismacolor pencils and lightly colored them in to add depth and texture, while at the same time making sure that I didn't completely cover up the text.

My ultimate fave but in this case, she's #2 because Ivy takes #1)
Medium: Prismacolor Pencils

I then printed their accessory on the same DP (in this case, Lilith's umbrella), glued it on and left it as is. I also used the "text" concept on the background dp (the layer on top of the ancient keys) and on some of the butterflies.

and Lil Little Lolita Willow (currently not available)
Medium: Prismacolor Pencils

Since all of the images weren't Alice in Wonderland related (like Little Ivy is) I used the same concept, dp, embellishments and colors throughout all 3 cards so they can all look like a cohesive set. All the sentiments come from an Alice in Wonderland set I bought last year.

The challenge for this month is over at The Altered Alice but stay tuned for October when the team will return with a new concept, a new sponsor and more rockin inspirational pieces. I hope that you get to play along as well (this time with me in the mix) because I will be playing along and giving the Altered Alice team all the support I can.
Thanks for stopping by/ commenting!

I will also be submitting this to: Tickled Pink Stamps #38 - Choose your Combo. I used Lace and Pattern Paper for the first 2 cards. Twine and Buttons for the 3rd card. Simon Says Stamp - Anything Goes.  Pixie Dust Studio - Round and Round (Use Circles).  Pixies Bookshelf - Flowers and Scallops.  Saturday Sketch #174 - I used the sketch for all 3 cards, I just rotated it 90 degrees. Flutterby Wednesday #173 - Open Challenge.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It turns out the Burton Chibis love Simply Betty...

....because they are here to stay in Simply Betty Stamp land. They are out and about and ready to be bought and loved. Lol!!! I think I'm starting to get corny with my titles and Intro. 

OK for today, I created mini matchbook treat holders. These are great for quick cute treats for co workers, friends and classrooms. They can be as elaborate as you want or they can be simpler. Plus the best part about these holders is that you can use up a lot of those little scraps that you don't want to toss but are just getting annoying. lol!

Here is a shot of the holder from the side and open. All the sentiment comes from the new Halloween sentiment set, 'Totally Witchin' from Crafty Sprouts. Did I already tell you that I love this title. Like I said, change the W to a B and well you get something else. Lol! The "To" and "From" come from the 'Have A Cool Yule' set. 

So as said, it's release day of the Burton Chibis over at Simply Betty Stamps. Hop on over to the BLOG to check out the creations from my Betty Sisters as well as codes for some deals. Plus, if you leave some bloggy love here, there and everywhere (lol) you'll be eligible to win one of these chibis!

But wait, there's more, lol. This adorable "Pumpkin Mickey Hat Betty" Cutie!!!! from the Betty line can be yours for free with the purchase of 4 clear stamps or all 7 digis. She is just tooooooo stinking cute!!! She is also available for digi purchase - for how long, I'm not sure so make sure you buy her now :) 

Thanks for stopping by/commenting. Ill be back with my Altered Alice Final post.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tim Burton loves Simply Betty ....

... Or is it the other way around? I'm thinking it is. Lol!

Happy Monday!! I am back with another round of Previews, this time from Simply Betty Stamps. (Get ready because there is still plenty more to come from Betty and all the great lines she carries.) Ok so today is Day1 of the Burton Chibis. These are just to "die" for. Lol. Mrs Betty is a Johnny Depp/Tim Burton fanatic and she is not alone. So sit back and I hope you enjoy my Burton inspired creations.

(Medium: Prismacolor Pencils)
I used the Pink {Ink} Sketch #6 for my LO. 

First up is the couple loved by many, Jack and Sally (**Please note that these images will be sold separately**) Although many think of Halloween when you see these images, I took the non convetional route and created a Congratulations card. A couple that I love just found out that they are expecting so I decided to use their favorite characters to represent them. I just love this sentiment, "Heard you had a Little Monster in you" because I think it's perfect for them. lol! Of course in true Jess form, my sentiment was sligthly altered. But that is what so great about creating, you can do that. hehe. 
My sentiment comes from the Monster Kisses set from Crafty Sprouts

(Medium: Prismacolor Pencils)
I used the Deconstructing Sketch 20 for my LO.

The second couple are Emily and Victor from The Bride Corpse Movie. You can hear Johnny Depps dreamy voice in this one. Ahhhhhh.  hehe. (**Again, please note that these images will be sold seperately**) This is another Congratulations card but for a different reason. This one is going to a special friend that is also a Johnny fanatic. She recently celebrated her anniversary and what better way to say Congrats than with images that represent Eternal Love. So that means she is stuck with him and vice versa, Lol!!!

I am submitting the Emily and Victor card to:
Simon Says Stamp - Dies/Punches. Creative Accent Challenge - 1,2,3 Challenge. Pixies Bookshelf - Scallops and Flowers. Paper Sundaes #88 - Anything Goes.

** Ok want a chance to win one of these Awesome Chibis! Leave me a comment: Are you a Burton fan? If so, which one is your favorite movie? Also hop on over to Simply Betty Stamps Blog and leave some bloggy love there as well as some bloggy love for my Simply Betty Sisters.

Thanks for stopping by/commenting!!! See you tommorrow :) 

Ps. If you are looking for my final Altered Alice post, that will be posted by Wednesday. I apologize for the delay. I didn't want to bury it with the posts I will be having so I decided to wait a few days.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Party like a Monster!

Image: Tyler from the Creepin Kit (The Greeting Farm)
Sentiment: Monster Kisses set from Crafty Sprouts 

Hello Out There! I'm here to share a card in honor of my time with The Greeting Farm. I'm sad to say that my month as a Guest Farmer has come to an end. Wahhhhh!! Lol. I wanted to say a HUGE Thank You to Jess, Marie and the Farmers for welcoming me to their family. I truly enjoyed my time on the Farm and I Partied Like a Monster while I was there. :) They have some awesome stuff coming up so make sure you pay them a visit when previews begin, you won't want to miss it!

Im playing with Anyone for Anya - Masculine Time.   

Im a linking up this card as my Best Project of the Week (Part 3) for Kristy's linky party. It was difficult to choose from the 3 cards I created this week but I went with this one because it's a CAS boy card that isnt so simple. I think that any teenage boy can appreciate this card because of the distressing, the guitar and the kick ass green hair. I have to say his hair is what sold me. Lol! 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Are you Ready to Rock this Sketch?

Happy Friday! Welcome back to DT Friday were we like to remind you of the current challenge happening at Crafty Sprouts. The current challenge is to use the Sketch found HERE (you can also find the link to link up). As you can see I flipped the sketch. So don't feel like you have to use all of the elements. You are free to rotate but please make sure that the sketch is visible. So make sure you link up by the 29th, plus the winners prize is pretty damn awesome! It is sponsored by The Greeting Farm

My image is Jack from the Creepin Kit (The Greeting Farm).
My sentiment comes from the Are You Ready to Rock set. I just love this set because it works great for those boy cards that need to be made :) but also works great with the little rocketes in your life/family. 

I will be playing with Anyone for Anya - Masculine Time. Simon Says Stamp - Punches and Dies. Card Cupids Blog - Anything Goes. Anything Goes - Anything Goes. Southern Girls Challenge - Anything Goes.
Thanks for stopping by/commenting.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sending Smiles...

Hi All! Hope all is well on your end.
Quick Post today ;) Here's a card I created using the new Crafty Sprouts set, "Lets Go Blog Hoping". It is one of Erika's new releases and its a great one for all your bloggy needs. So make sure you go over and check it out. The cutie on the image is Mail Day Tia from Some Odd Girl. She is part of the Tiny Tia collection. 

I used the Bunny Zoe's Sketch (I flipped it). I'm also playing with: Some Odd Girl - Stiching. Simon Says Stamp - Sing It (Film Inspired- You've Got Mail)
Thanks for stopping by/commenting!

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's all about Crafty Sprouts and The Greeting Farm

Hi All. Welcome to the Crafty Sprouts Blog Hop. Today is a special double whammy day because it is release day for the 3 awesome sets Erika has created for you as well as it being Challenge day. This weeks challenge is a sketch challenge (Sketch found Here) and it is sponsored by the awesome Greeting Farm.

You should be hopping over from ZENI

I was in charge of featuring the Halloween Set "Totally Witching" which by the way, I totally love that title because replace the W with a B and you get something else. Lol!! But since I find all of Erika's stamp sets awesome I couldn't stop there. So I created one project per set.

First up is, "Have a Cool Yule" featuring "Mistletoe Kiss" from The Greeting Farm. Aren't these skunks adorable?!!??!!!

Project 2 is for the "Let's Go Blog Hopping" Set featuring Timmy Candy Corn from The Greeting Farm. He is just the sweetest little mouse. When I saw this I knew he would be perfect for this sentiment. He's already enjoying the candy :) And this is another example of how you can manipulate your images to be something else instead of the intended. He is a Halloween image (I think, lol) but he worked perfectly for this card. **This card is my DT Sketch card. I flipped the sketch. Remember that you can flip, rotate, etc the sketch as long as we get to see some of the elements.

And finally, my project for the "Totally Witching" set. This is a Squash Book that features many Greeting Farm cuties as well as several sentiments from the stamp set and some sentiments from "Monster Kisses", a set from Crafty Sprouts first release. This mini book is intended for you to add pictures, journaling and whatever else you may want to carry around with you. These books make great little minis that you can whip up for grandma, auntie,etc.

This is front of the Squash Book (size 4.5 square)
I used the Deconstructing Sketch 19 for the lo.

I created a collage for you as to not bombard you with pictures. The top left picture is an image of the book completely open. The bottom square is an image of a pocket that I added. Inside the pocket are 2 tags for pictures or journaling. You may also add tickets or other bits of paper in the pocket. Also the "Beware Monsters Inside" and "BOO" sentiments come from the Monster Kisses set.

I hope you found some inspiration today and you are ready to Shop, Shop, Shop!!! Click HERE to go to the Crafty Sprouts Shop.

Remember that several winners will be chosen from all comments left on Preview Days (3) and the Blog Hop. Make sure you leave bloggy leave here, my DT sisters, the Guest Designers and Mrs. Crafty Sprouts herself.

Leave a comment telling me your favorite costume (it can be yours, your child or a costume that you would want to use. For example: a favorite costume for me is of Lucy from I Love Lucy in the Paris Gown episode. I haven't dressed up like that but i definitely want to).

Your next stop is RAVEN
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's "Totally Witchin" Today

Welcome back to Day3 of previews for Crafty Sprouts. This time we are getting "Creepy and Spooky, Mysterious and Kooky" (Lol, well more me than my sistahs') Ok ok as you know by now, we have an awesome Halloween set for you today.

As I mentioned on my Day1 post, I am a Betty girl and I love her and her lines so I thought I would give my Simply Betty Stamps some love. She has soooo many amazing Halloween lines that it was hard to narrow it down as to which one to use, but Teen Scene is one of my fave's so here you go. Lol.  I used Lola Addams from the Teen Scene Halloween line (she's one of my faves!) If you are an Addams Family fan or Halloween fan then you have to go check out the rest of the line.

Now remember, 2 lucky hoppers will win a stamp set. So the more you comment (not including tomorrows blog hop) the more chance you get.
In case you missed my first two posts, here there are:
Day1Have A Cool Yule
Day2 - Let's Go Blog Hopping
Bonus Day - Release the Zombies features today's set

Thanks for stopping by! I will see you tomorrow for an awesome hop with goodies to be had. Plus it will be release day so you'll get to see all the stamps sets in full form.

I used the Saturday Sketch #172 for my card lo. I will be playing with: Make It Colorful - #34 Make it Purple.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let's Go Blog Hoping!

Welcome back to Day2 of Previews for Crafty Sprouts!
Today we are bringing Friendship to you, particularly Bloggy Friends (Hey that's You!!) :D This is a great set because it's a mixed set that can be used for Bloggy Friends and Personal Friends.

I created a mini set of Thank You cards. This time my cards are featuring some Uber cute Chibis from The Greeting Farm. These super sweet Galies are Chibi Cupcakes and Chibi Cookie 
*I have a cute little story about these Chibis. Gasp! I know, I hardly talk about myself. Ok so anyways, according to my niece I am Chibi Cookie. It all started one day that I was driving her to school and I was thinking about adult things but her being curious wanted to know what I was thinking about. I didn't want to tell her for obvious reasons and so she asked me if I was thinking of Cookies and I said Yes. So ever since then, I've been Cookie Girl and now I'm Chibi Cookie. And according to her, she is Chibi Cupcakes and she's my little maid bringing me cupcakes. LOL!!! I just love little kids and their imagination. *

(Medium: Prismacolor Pencils, A2 size)
I used the Pink {Ink} Sketch #5 for both my cards.

Ok so back to what you came for. Lol. On the set you'll find several accompanying sentiments that will follow the Thanks for... but you will have to wait til Friday to find out what they are ;). I also used Erika's awesome trademark barcode stamp for the back of my cards. Ok remember to be in the drawing for a free set make sure you leave Me, my DT sisters and Mrs. Crafty Sprouts herself some bloggy love. The more you comment the more chances you get.

Thanks for stopping by! And see you back here tomorrow for another preview.

Ps. Did you get a chance to see Who is Prrrrrrrr onto the Greeting Farm. Click HERE to see her and to find out how you can win her.

Look who's Prrrrrrrng onto the Greeeting Farm!

Hi All! I'm here to preview a Brand New Cheeky Gal that is coming to the Greeting Farm tomorrow. 
Introducing CHEEKY KITTY!

Isn't she the cutest?!!?!! I think the Cheeekys might be my favorite line from the Farm although I can't say for sure because the Anya's and the Creepers are def a fave. Lol! So I'm a little fickle when it comes to picking faves, it happens :D

This gal is one sexy vixen being all naughty trying to make amends with Santa. Lol. My awesome sentiment comes from the Brand New Crafty Sprouts sentiment set, "Have a Cool Yule". This set was previewed yesterday and will be released this Friday. If you want a chance to win a set of your own please scroll down to my Day1 post to see how.

Along with previewing this Kitty, the Farmers are also playing along with the WOW Sketch Challenge on the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog. This week is all about circles so make sure you get your round creations in for a chance to win a digi of your choice.

*** Prize Alert *** Want a chance to win your own Cheeky Kitty digi stamp? Hop on over to the Greeting Farm Blog to see how. This prize will last only for today. Plus you'll get to see the amazing creations from the Farmers.

Im playing with:
Anyone for Anya - Color Challenge (inspired by all the diff reds). Simon Says Stamp - Sing It (Inspired by Santa Baby)
Thanks for stopping by :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's a "Cool Yule" Kind of Day

Hi Scrappy Friends. Welcome to Day 1 of previews for Crafty Sprouts. Today we are bringing a little bit of Christmas to you. Where you able to guess that off of our little game? Did you gals like it, it was fun trying to figure out who was who?  Well my little peek was of this cutie from, where else, The Greeting Farm.  I'm a Simply Betty Gal and I just love her and all her lines but I'm also a huge Farm fan. I think it has something to do with them being plump. Lol! Hey I can relate. hehehe.
I went for a CAS look today. I love this because it's a nice clean look that allows you to mass produce rather quickly if you need to. The image I used is Birthday Boy Ian. I know he's meant for birthday cards but he was just to cute to not color up and use as a little helper ready to tear that wrapping paper apart. lol.

Want a chance to win one of the new stamp sets. Make sure to leave bloggly love to me, my dt sisters and of course Crafty Sprouts.  These new sets will be released on Friday and ready for purchase. Thanks for stopping by. Remember to come back tomorrow for Day2 previews and for another chance to win one of the sets. **Please note that 1-2 random winners will be chosen from all the comments left this week. So the more comments you leave, the more chances you get** 

See you later with another project featuring another (Brand New) Farm cutie!! Thanks for stopping by!

Release the Zombies!

The Zombies have invaded Simply Betty Stamps. Luckily for me, these Zombies aren't as gruesome as some other ones I have seen (not that there is anything wrong with them, I just cant handle them. I'm a wuss like that, lol!)

My card today is a bit out of my norm. I distressed it more than usual, almost to the point of making it look dirty (which isn't really my style); But hey between you and me, the zombies aren't the cleanest so it's OK. Lol!

Click HERE to see all the Zombies.

In order to see the full form of these funny zombies, pop on over to Simply Betty Stamps Blog to check them out. While you are there, leave a comment for your chance to win a zombie of your own. Plus Betty has some great discount codes for your buying pleasure.  

Ps. Check out this sentiment. Isn't it the coolest? It was just meant to be ;D
This is a super sneak peek of a new Crafty Sprouts sentiment set that will be previewed later on this week. Don't forget that previews for Crafty Sprouts begin this afternoon at 2pm PST. See you then. There will be goodies up for grab :)

I'm entering into Graphicat Sketches September Challenge - Anything Goes. Cheri likes her sarcastic humor so I'm hoping this sentiment will make her laugh. Lol.

Thanks for stopping by! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lil Victorian Christmas Release Day

** Please scroll down for my Designer Spotlight at The Greeting Farm **

Happy Day! I'm here with my final card for the Tickled Pink Lil Victorian Christmas Lolita and Lad Collection. I conjured up another one of my creations and combined Kellita and Lestat. I went for a Vintage Winter Wedding look. What do you think, can it pass off as a wedding card?  

** Again please note that both images were altered. Please hop on over to the Tickled Pink Stamps Blog to see the images in their full form**

Today is Release Day for this wonderful vintage collection. However, there is a bit of Internet problems so please make sure you check back later. Click the link for the Tickled Pink Shop. Also if you haven't had a chance to comment on all 6 days, what are you waiting for. You can win your very own Vintage Lolita or Lad. Thanks for stopping by/commenting!

I used the Pink {Ink} Sketch #5. I will be submitting to: RCC19 - Anything Goes. Paper Sundaes - Finishing Touches. TPE116 - Vintage Theme. TPS#36 - Chipboard (My sentiment tag is a flimsy chipboard that I was experimenting on)

See you soon with some awesome Simply Betty Stamp previews.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Designer Spotlight at The Greeting Farm

Hello Farm fans and Happy Monday!!
Today is my day to be Spotlighted at The Greeting Farm Blog. I'm still reeling over the fact that I'm September's Guest Farmer and that I get to spend time with the lovely and talented Farm Ladies and the uber cute Anyas, Chibis and Creepers.

For those of you that do not know how I began my stay here on blogger here is a quick run down: I began my crafting adventure a few years back after a friend convinced me to go to a scrapbooking party. I was thoroughly against it at first but after visiting the craft stores several times, I could no longer resist and I gave in. heheh. I wanted to preserve my pictures and memories in a fun and colorful way and I became a Cricut girl. However after being on blogger, I came across digi and rubber stamps. I quickly became enamored because they reminded me of the days of when I enjoyed coloring and creating my mini pieces of art. Now after a year, I consider myself a true bonafide stamping girl. I do still own my cricut machine and I still love it and create projects with it but it is rare. I now first turn to my Prismacolor Pencils (my medium choice) and my purple envelope (this is where I keep images printed out or stamped ready to be colored).

As I said, when I first came on blogger I was a cricut gal but what lured me over to digis and stamps was The Greeting Farm. I came across their Wonderland Digi Set and I knew there and then that I was in love. In honor of that I decided to showcase a project featuring this set. 

I, like many of you, am a HUGE fan of Wonderland. I just love everything it stands for. Granted, I may never fully understand it and always wonder why a “Raven is like a writing desk”, however I will enjoy using images such as these to create artwork that allows me to spend and relish my time down the rabbit hole.  I also chose to create a project that featured digital stamps because I love the versatility of them and I wanted to show it to you.

The versatility of the digis allowed me to blow up the mushrooms many times over so that I may get the effect of the giant mushrooms. I also shrunk the Alice and the white rabbit to add the scene I created.

Here is my final product. It is an altered picture frame that will be used in a scrapbook.  I first covered the base with DCWV Green Stack Paper and then I glued on top my colored images. Easy Peezy :)

Here’s an extra project I wanted to show you featuring the white rabbit. I created this a while back when I announced my Guest Spot for The Altered Alice (loooooove that team and I'm sad my guest spot is coming to an end) but I thought I would throw it for fun/reminder. At first glance you may think its a card but it is actually a large embellishment I created for a scrapbook page that is about me. Although I'm a bit embarrassed to officially admit it, I can be like the white rabbit (in this case a black bunny) and run a bit a late, late, late from time to time. Lol.

Thanks for letting me share a little bit of me and for stopping by. Please make sure you come back all this week for some fun new previews from Crafty Sprouts featuring Greeting Farm cuties and Simply Betty Stamps. See you soon!

Im joining Kristy's (Some Odd Girl) fun linky party that features our fave project of the week. This was a difficult choice for me, lol, but Im choosing the frame as my favorite project of the week. I dont know if its my best work of the week but I really love the concept of it, so I'm going with it :) 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lil Victorian Christmas: Lylah and Damon

Happy Friday! Yay!!!
I'm back with another Tickled Pink Preview.  The Lil Victorian Christmas Lolita and Lad (Whoa! that's a mouthful. Say that 10 times. lol) Ok ok, the collection is already on day 4 of previews. Today's preview is this gorgeous gal Lylah. I did a little playing on my computer and decided to make Lylah part of a happy couple. I paired her up with Damon, who was yesterdays preview. He looks a bit Scrooge like, doesn't he? Lol, but it doesn't matter because Lylah's smile makes up for it. So what do you think? Do they look in love?? 

** Please note that both images were extremely altered by me. Please make sure you head over to the Tickled Pink blog to see the full and true form of the stamps** 

I decided to combine my TPS preview with my DT Friday project from Crafty Sprouts. For those of you that do not know, DT Friday is a reminder of the current challenge going on. The weeks challenge is "Get in Shape" Lol, I know sounds funny :) but do not fret, the challenge isn't about exercising it's about creating a shaped card.  I used the Text Talk set from Crafty Sprouts. Please note that I also altered my sentiment. The original sentiment says "I {heart} texting" but I masked off texting and stamped You on the inside of the card. I thought I heart You was more appropriate for my card :D  It looks like I like to alter. lol. 

I will be playing with: RCC19 - Anything Goes. PaperPlay Challenges - 2 images. TPS#36 - Chipboard (My sentiment tag is a flimsy chipboard that I was experimenting on)

Ok so Ive taken up enough of your Friday :) Make sure you head over to to Tickled Pink Stamps to see the Gorgeous Pink Lady creations and make sure to comment for a chance to win your own Lylah and Damon. Also, make sure you head on over to Crafty Sprouts to see what my DT Sisters created for you. They are soooooo cute! Plus you have a chance to win some Peachy goodness if you play along.

Thanks for stopping by/commenting.
Im playing along with a cute new game Kristy, owner of Some Odd Girl just started. Choose your best project of the week: This is my best project :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lil Victorian Christmas Lolita: Ivy

Good Morning Scrappy Friends! I'm here today to share my first card as a Guest Pink Lady.
How exciting!!  A Vintage Christmas has come to Tickled Pink town :). 
Today is day 2 and I'm here previewing Vintage Christmas Ivy.

OK so I hear Vintage and I automatically think of Brown, Kraft and muted colors. I'm still on the fence about this color scheme and this card but its my first day and ill pick up my momentum (Im hoping, lol)

Make sure you hop on over to Tickled Pink Stamps to check out the previews of the amazing Pink Ladies and for your chance to win your very own Vintage Christmas Ivy.  I used the Pink Elephant Sketch (115) for my card. Thanks for stopping by/commenting. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm Tickled PINK ......

...... to announce that I'll be a Guest Pink Lady for the month of September.
Yeah BABY!!!!!!!! hehe 
Im thrilled to be part of this "Fabuloso" (Fabulous in Spanish) team.
And I can't wait to show off the "Pink" goodies I'll be working on.

I hope you come back tomorrow to see my first post as a Guest Pink Lady.
In the meantime, previews have already begun for the new Vintage Christmas line.
Make sure you head over to Tickled Pink Stamps blog to check out all the amazing creations from the Pink Ladies and for your chance to win.