
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Party like a Monster!

Image: Tyler from the Creepin Kit (The Greeting Farm)
Sentiment: Monster Kisses set from Crafty Sprouts 

Hello Out There! I'm here to share a card in honor of my time with The Greeting Farm. I'm sad to say that my month as a Guest Farmer has come to an end. Wahhhhh!! Lol. I wanted to say a HUGE Thank You to Jess, Marie and the Farmers for welcoming me to their family. I truly enjoyed my time on the Farm and I Partied Like a Monster while I was there. :) They have some awesome stuff coming up so make sure you pay them a visit when previews begin, you won't want to miss it!

Im playing with Anyone for Anya - Masculine Time.   

Im a linking up this card as my Best Project of the Week (Part 3) for Kristy's linky party. It was difficult to choose from the 3 cards I created this week but I went with this one because it's a CAS boy card that isnt so simple. I think that any teenage boy can appreciate this card because of the distressing, the guitar and the kick ass green hair. I have to say his hair is what sold me. Lol! 


  1. Super fun! Great card lay-out!

  2. super cute card Jess! Love the green hair and your coloring is soooo awesome! Yeah... I see a ustream coming up in your future! lol!

  3. love the card!!! he is so cute!!!

  4. Super cute card!! I love the colors!

    Lots of Love,

  5. This one is definitely awesome! LOVE the green hair! He looks like a total rocker with the fab hair! Thanks for linking up at MBPOTW again Jess! :D

  6. That hair is ph-antastic!! Well done!
