
Friday, October 7, 2011

Special DT Friday: Card for Christian

Submitting to RCC23

Happy Friday!! I hope you had a good week. We had some rain here and well that caused some power outage problems for me. I was without power for half a day. And to make matters worse, my laptop was at 20% battery and so was my iPad so when they died out on me too, It was sheer torture. Lol. See my experience as a learning one and always charge your beloved tech toys. :D

Ok so today is DT Friday at Crafty Sprouts, however it is a special DT day. We still have our current Color Challenge open (Red, Black and Slimey Green) but today, a new one was added to the mix. Erika is also having a special Card Drive Challenge for Sweet Betty's son, Christian, that was diagnosed with Stage 1 Throat Cancer. You can read all about that HERE. The prize are 2 new Fall Jude and the Rockers clear stamps.

What do you need to do? Simple. Create a card for Christian, link up and sent it off to him. You don't need a SBS image but we would love to see you use one. Digis are available at the SBS Shop (including the adorable Betty Chibis) or you can make a donation and use the new Zander image (seen on my sidebar). If you use him then you can also enter the SBS challenge happening at the SBS Blog.

So you see you have 3 different chances to win some goodies. And at the same you will bring a Smile to a Happy boy and help to a very sweet family (if you choose to purchase an sbs digi/stamp or donate).
Thanks for stopping by! I cant wait to see those cards.

Below is the name and address of where to send Christians card.
Christian Ford
P.O. Box 132314
Big Bear Lake, CA  92315


  1. awesome card Jess! The Emo images are great with that sentiment.

  2. Awww he is such a handsome little rocker. Love the round card.

  3. Great card, this is super to cheer him up!

  4. Awesome card Jess. I love those image and the shape of your card, I really need to try a round card!

    Lots of Love,
