
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go Away Grumpies

"A Smile a day keeps the Grumpies away" Lol!!! How appropriate is this sentiment for Jill (the image found on my project) Jill is a creeper from the Creepin Kit, The Greeting Farm and I just love her to pieces. She looks overly grumpy and peeved and I tell my niece that she reminds me of her all the time. Of course my niece doesnt care for that but i like to see her all riled up. Lol!!!

I used the Spy Day #10 Sketch from the FFC.

The sentiments come from the awesome set, SMILE ON from Crafty Sprouts. This is a must have set so make sure you hop on over to get yours. Don't forget about the Free Shipping.

Thanks for stopping by!

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