
Friday, January 20, 2012

Case our DT Challenge

Hello Scrappy Friends! After taking a nice long break we are back with our first challnge of the year over at Crafty Sprouts. Wow, I can't believe that the first month is almost over. Yikes!! 

For our first challenge: The theme is to CASE our DT. I think this idea is Great because you can be inspired (and in my case, lol) copy another bloggy friend's project. I cased this uber cute Mini Calender from Mrs Crafty Sprouts herself, Erika. I was inpired the lo, the large polk-a-dots and of course the cute Wild Sprout. I just added a few extra little me things and Voila! :)

Image: WS Elena, The Greeting Farm
Sentiment: Let's Go Blog Hopping, Crafty Sprouts

I hope you'll join us this challenge :)
Ps. Up for grabs is the new Peachy Cupid. Cuuuuute!!!!

 Happy Friday!!!


  1. Delightful CASE job, Jess! Love the strips of paper and adore that image!

  2. Cute-Cute-Cute! Love the added tickets!

  3. Great job casing Erika! Love the ticket stubs you used and as always your coloring is beautiful!

  4. This is so super cute! I used this as my inspiration for the "case the dt" challenge. Have a great day!
