
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Purple Hair Beans

Hey All. Happy Wednesday!! Today will indeed be happy on my side of the country as we are scheduled for beautiful 70/80 degree weather. It's a shame I cant go frolicking off to the beach though. Oh well :) 

So I'm here today with my project for Double Take Tuesday Challenge over at the TGF Blog. This week it is a sketch challenge hosted by Shaela. I created a post-it note holder using the new Twinkle Bean. Her hair was a challenge for me (as I originally began with blonde hair and pink tips but somewhere along the lines I began to add more colors and then I just couldn't give up. Lol. So I ended up with another purple hair bean. But that's ok, she can pull it off, don't ya' think? By the way, I was the Farm Fresh Friday hostess and my theme was Anything But a Card so this notepad is another sample for that challenge.

And here is my first Bean with purple hair. This is Bright Bean and she was used for an older DTT Color challenge card from October. The color scheme was Purple, Green and Black (very Halloweenie) but I wanted something cleaner and versatile.

So there you have it :) A couple of challenges to play along with for the chance to win some Farm goodies.
Thanks for stopping by!!

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