
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Farmer Farewell Challenge

Hey there! Today is a sad day at The Farm as It is our last challenge of our term and the year. I had a lot of fun and I want to thank Marie, Jess and the DT girls from the bottom of my heart.

So the last challenge is a CASE challenge. I chose to case Sara's card here
I changed the rotation and the theme but all in all I think it's a pretty good case. 

I must apologize profusely for not having any pictures, I'm currently on my iPad and I cant upload pictures nor do I have the blogger app. I cant use my computer nor my iPhone as they both gave up on me. They are both completely dead and it has me in a panick as I didn't back up anything. I'm hoping apple will resolve my problem soon but there's still a lot that will be lost. ok enough woe is me, lol.

Make sure you check out the Greeting Farm blog to see all the farmer farewell creation (there you will find my card). I will upload as soon as I am able to.

Thanks for everything and for stopping by. Have an Amazing last weekend of 2012!!!!


  1. Hope your computer issues are resolved soon. Going to check out your project.

    Happy New Year,
    Carson's Creations

  2.'re talents are going to be missed as a Farmer, but I'll still be stopping by to see your wonderfully inspiring projects!

    Don't you wish you could use your iPad for more than emails?!! Bah!
