
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All Boy

Happy New Year!! I hope that 2013 has been a great stat for you all. I'm slowly getting myself back together after having a major technological breakdown over the holiday. I've yet to recover a lot but I'm hoping I will.

Ok onto my card :). Today's card features Buds (boy version), an adorable Mo Manning image. I had him color up for a bit so it was time to make something of him. I'm really trying to avoid coloring up images and leaving them for later so here's hoping I don't break that crafty resolution anytime soon :)

Ok so I'm off to celebrate my papa's birthday. He's hitting a milestone today, yay!! 

Oh and here's a little peek to what I've been working on. One of blog resolutions is to share a little about me every Wednesday. I always like to see what's on your desk type of posts so Im thinking ill be going along those lines. 

Thanks for stopping by!
I'm playing with
Sassy Cheryl - Show Me #106


  1. I love that image, and my niece took a very similar picture of her 2 year old with their lab not too very long ago, so very realistic. What a fun bunch of crafting stuff you have on your desk.
    Congratulations to your Papa on his birthday.

  2. Happy birthday to your Papa! I hope he has the best b-day ever!

    Such an adorable image from Mo and your coloring is simply beautiful! I'm in love with his little polka dot socks!!!!!
    You certainly have been a busy bee, by the looks of your desk. :)
    Thanks for playing along in the Sassy Cheryl's SMThursday fun this week.

  3. This is so adorable! What a great card!

  4. Super adorable image. Looks like many of my dogs...never minded us laying all over them.

  5. What a sweet MM image....with gorgeous coloring! usually clean desk is in dire need of organization. I can't wait to see what wonderful project you make with your pile of goodies!

  6. Fantastic card! Very cute and absolutely beautifully designed!
    Thank you so much for entering in our "Anything goes" challenge at Mo's Digital Pencil!
    Hugs, Anja
