Saturday, June 23, 2012

SOG FB Fun Day

(Image: Alice Mae)

Hello Bloggers!! Some Odd Girl held a FB Fun Day today. There were challenges, prizes, tutorials and lots of discounts. They also had a scavenger hunt which was pretty cool with a fun image as the prize. 

(Inside of Card)

The first mini challenge of the day was to create our own embellishments. 
I used the butterfly technique for my project.

The main challenge of the event was to color up a SOGgy with a non-traditional color. I was going for a Magenta Pink hair do but I'm cringing as I see that her hair looks reddish in this light. I used one too many different tones and so I may have failed the assignment. Lol. 

(Image: Roller Mae)

Thanks for stopping by!


Rachel Parys said...

Hi Jess!! Glad you liked your happy mail!! Yesterday was so much fun with SOG's FB day! These are both adorable!! You did awesome with the butterflies, and Roller Mae is fantastic!! Super cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

These are both fabu! I know I commented on FB but just wanted to stop here and leave some love too! Really nice! I hope you enjoyed the Fun Day! :D

Arabella said...

Jess these are both gorgeous! I love the butterfly with the trail on the first card and the second one is just fabulous!

I'm so glad you could join our SOG Facebook Fun Day challenges!


Anonymous said...

These are so cute Jess! I've always admired your coloring, so no need for apologies!

Carisa said...

So cute! I adore SOG and your coloring is fab! Thanks so much for playing with with us at Designed To Color this month! <3

Leah l'Orange said...

lurrrrrve these, Jess! you rocked the sketch at Designed to Color (thanks so much for joining us!), and you do lovely things with SOGgies! :)